Celebrate this small victory!
Dear Rookies! Celebrate this small victory! The Rochester Township unanimously voted to require the developer to prepare the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) if the County approves the new land use designation and development plan! Your signatures on the petition, your calls and your emails to the Township made this happen! THANK YOU ROOKIES EVERYWHERE!
Now we are going to increase the pressure upon the County Commissioners and ask that they abstain from granting the property owner a land use designation change from "Protected Resource" to “Suburban Development". We are not asking for the property rights to be ignored - the owner can and should sell the property - but not to a developer who would destroy the last rookery in our county. They should sell it to us to be placed in a protected land trust or SNA (Scientific and Natural Area).
Please call/ email the County Commissioners in advance of the meeting - tell them to leave the land use designation alone. We want to purchase the property and put it into a land trust, to protect the forest and the rookery now and into the future.
Click here for County Commissioners page with contact information. Thank you!
Photo by Raymond Uzanas