Please contact the Rochester Township board members!
Those of you following along have heard that we submitted our petition (over 1000 signatures in 5 days!) to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to request that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) be prepared prior to this land being developed. The EQB determined that Rochester Township is the appropriate Local Government Unit (LGU) to decide the need for an EAW. Now, Rochester Township must decide on whether to generate an EAW - it is not automatically done!
Please contact Rochester Township board members to let them know you want an impartial Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW)! We have prepared a draft letter and draft email for you to modify and send.
Here is a handy reference on how this whole land use process works in Minnesota: A Citizen’s Guide to Influencing Local Land-Use Decisions
Rochester Township Board Representatives:
Matt Kitzmann, Seat 1
Brian Mueller, Seat 2
Jeff Orth, Seat 3
Brian Zmolek, Seat 4
Jamie Neisen, Seat 5