Petition update! THANK YOU!
We received overwhelming support for saving this rookery.
Thank you for signing the petition to request that an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) be prepared for the proposed Pavilion Estates (aka Condor Estates) project. We received over 1100 signatures in just 5 days and submitted them to The Environmental Quality Board (EQB). They have acknowledged our petition and have determined Rochester Township as the appropriate governmental unit to decide the need for an EAW.
What this means is that our work is not done. We now need to call and email the Rochester Township Board Members, to urge them to do the right thing and have an impartial Environmental Assessment Worksheet generated so that they can have a full understanding of the habitat and animals that will be lost or impacted by the road and development planned. As this is the only known rookery in Olmsted County, it seems the least they can do is request and review this assessment before making decisions that cannot be revoked.
Once the trees and the nests are removed and destroyed to clear the path for the construction of ten homes, that habitat cannot be restored. A brief call to one or all of the Rochester Township board members would make a huge impact on them, and likely be instrumental in saving this remaining sliver of forest that is home to these Great Blue Herons.
Township Board Contacts:
Matt Kitzmann, Seat 1
3620 Vista View Court SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Brian Mueller, Seat 2
1622 60th Avenue SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Jeff Orth, Seat 3
5414 Heritage Ln SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Brian Zmolek, Seat 4
4252 42nd Street SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Jamie Neisen, Seat 5
2739 Headland Ct SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Thank you for everything you are doing!!