Pavilion Mistakes "final plat" public hearing
Pavilion Mistakes "final plat" public hearing is TUESDAY, Dec 6, 7PM, Rochester Township Hall

Give to the Max!
Save the Rookery is participating in GiveMN’s Give to the Max Day, November 17!

Women candidates for County Commissioner
Rochester Women magazine featured the many women who are running for Olmsted County Commissioner.
Olmsted County Attorney Candidates
Save the Rookery asked candidates for Olmsted County Attorney some questions to better inform voters.

Olmsted County SWCD Candidates
Save the Rookery asked candidates for Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) some questions to better inform voters.

Post Bulletin endorses county commissioner candidates
The Post Bulletin editorial board has endorsed candidates for Olmsted County Commissioner.

Update on legal battles
What has Save The Rookery been up to lately? An update on our legal battles.

Halloween 5K on Monday Oct 31!
Join us on Halloween, Monday, Oct 31, 6PM for the 5 dollar 5K at TerraLoco!

Salmon or Gold: The story of Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine
Join Trout Unlimited on Monday, October 3rd at 7pm for a presentation “Salmon or Gold: the story of Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine” by renowned (and now local!) photographer Michael Melford.

New lawsuit filed
A group opposed to a housing development at the site of a great blue heron nest colony has filed another lawsuit against the township board that approved the plan last month.

Moment of silence
Flo Sandok: Rochester Township Board has approved a preliminary plan for a luxury housing development destroying a unique and much-loved heron rookery. Greed and self-service have triumphed.

Township Meeting News
On Thursday night, 3 of 5 Rochester Township Board members voted to approve the developer’s disastrous pre-plat, after the Township’s own Planning & Zoning Commission recommended DENIAL of the pre-plat, and after HUNDREDS of Rochester area residents signed a petition requesting denial.

PB Letter: Local priorities seem skewed
Post Bulletin letter to the editor: Destroying a heron rookery for greed … disgusting and so unnecessary.

No More Habitat Destruction!
The Rochester Township is meeting to decide on the permitting of Pavilion Estates’ disastrous Pre-Plat on Thursday, August 11, 7PM, at Rochester Township Hall.

Olmsted Co Commissioner Candidate forums
Olmsted County Commissioner - districts 4 and 5 - candidate forums on Wednesday and Thursday this week, in person and online.

Decision delayed on heron nest site development
The Rochester Township Board delayed deciding whether to accept a preliminary plat proposal for a development at the site of a great blue heron nest colony.

No More Habitat Destruction!
The Rochester Township is meeting to decide on the permitting of Pavilion Estates’ disatrous Pre-Plat on July 14, 7PM, at Rochester Township Hall.

Primary Elections August 9
The primary election for Olmsted County Commissioners is August 9, and the general election is November 8. Let’s make sure we elect representatives who will actually LISTEN to the citizens!

Rochesterfest Parade
A few photos from the Rochesterfest parade this weekend. Thanks to all who cheered us on!