Northern Heights Trail vs Pavilion Mistakes
False equivalency in the arguments against Northern Heights Park Trail and our efforts to save the great blue heron rookery in Rochester Township

Pavilion Mistakes has new marketing
None of the Pavilion Mistakes lots have sold… they now have a new marketing plan, but is it just greenwashing?

Post Bulletin: What happened to the herons?
For many members of the nonprofit Save the Rookery, the bitter memories are still fresh — memories of standing-room-only crowds at Rochester Township Board meetings where those seeking to save the rookery outnumbered the developers by large margins, only to have their pleas fall on deaf ears.

Post Bulletin: 2022 Rookery Year in Review
2022 in Review: The year the great blue herons failed to return to their Southwest Rochester nest site

Post Bulletin endorses county commissioner candidates
The Post Bulletin editorial board has endorsed candidates for Olmsted County Commissioner.

New lawsuit filed
A group opposed to a housing development at the site of a great blue heron nest colony has filed another lawsuit against the township board that approved the plan last month.

Moment of silence
Flo Sandok: Rochester Township Board has approved a preliminary plan for a luxury housing development destroying a unique and much-loved heron rookery. Greed and self-service have triumphed.

Township Meeting News
On Thursday night, 3 of 5 Rochester Township Board members voted to approve the developer’s disastrous pre-plat, after the Township’s own Planning & Zoning Commission recommended DENIAL of the pre-plat, and after HUNDREDS of Rochester area residents signed a petition requesting denial.

PB Letter: Local priorities seem skewed
Post Bulletin letter to the editor: Destroying a heron rookery for greed … disgusting and so unnecessary.

Decision delayed on heron nest site development
The Rochester Township Board delayed deciding whether to accept a preliminary plat proposal for a development at the site of a great blue heron nest colony.

Primary Elections August 9
The primary election for Olmsted County Commissioners is August 9, and the general election is November 8. Let’s make sure we elect representatives who will actually LISTEN to the citizens!

News: Planning commission recommends denial
The Rochester Township’s planning and zoning commission recommended denial of the developer’s “pre plat”. Despite this denial, the final approval of the plan is up to the Rochester Township Board, which will decide on Thursday, July 14.

Response to judge’s decision
Response to a judge’s decision on our appeal of the Township’s decision to forego an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The judge's decision did not say that the township made the right decision regarding the EIS based on the facts and experts.

Letter: Why didn't DNR protect heron rookery?
Post Bulletin Letter: Why didn't DNR protect heron rookery?

Segura: The fight for the herons is far from over
Rochester Township is changing. The township board needs to change too. Residents want thoughtful development that preserves natural areas. The township board needs to listen to their voices and act before it is too late.

Greed was the winner over heron rookery
When selfishness and greed get to dominate, couched in the terms “individual rights,” with the assumption that only the individual matters, that’s not good for the community.

PB article: Land sells despite lawsuits
Land targeted for development that contained a great blue heron nest colony has been sold, despite pending lawsuits.

Rochester Voters: Don’t Let County Commissioners Diminish Your Voice
Olmsted Co. should undo 'cracking' that limits Rochester's political representation. Contact the commissioners by Tuesday, April 26, to voice your opinion!

Township Meeting Postponed
The developer has pulled the “preliminary plat” agenda item from tonight’s Township Planning & Zoning Committee meeting.

Post Bulletin: More trees felled at heron nest site
More trees were cut down at a planned development site that houses a great blue heron rookery.